Happy weekend, lovely readers! My aunt from Phoenix is in town this weekend, so we'll be trooping around town, exploring new territories. I'm thankful to have such adventerous family!
Let's fill some blanks! As usual, playing along with Lauren.

The best thing I did all week was pick up my aunt from the airport last night. She’s in town for the weekend, and we’re going to have tons of fun running around town.
Bouquets of flowers make me super happy.
Pets are entertaining…and expensive to keep alive. Like kids!
My family is the best thing about my life.
With the cooler weather I am looking forward to using my fireplace, peppermint coffee, and watching the rain (from inside).
Something that's on my "wish list" right now is a Louis Vuitton handbag. That’s on my “forever wish list” because it hasn’t been crossed off in 10 years.
This weekend I am going to eat dinner downtown, have a drink at Departure, take a Portland walking tour, hit up the east side for antiquing, and head toward the coast for a Sunday brunch. Busy!