
by - 9:39 AM

How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was wonderful & well-rested, thank you for asking. And now that it's Wed, are you ready for it again? I am. Friday night was spent with a glass of wine and a couple movies. We Red Boxed Ninja Assassins & Have You Heard About the Morgans’? I bet you can’t guess which one I picked.

 Saturday was spent at the Oregon City Golf Course. The weather was PERFECT. 70 degrees and clear skies with no wind. I repeat, NO WIND. ‘Course, this meant I had nothing to blame my bad shots on. Actually, I did pretty well. As the saying goes, a girl never tells her score. Err, how my saying goes. Dinner was BBQ at the rents – teriyaki chicken skewers, grilled asparagus and rice. Yum.

 Let summer begin!



[caption id="attachment_108" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Oregon City Golf Club"][/caption]

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