This post is long overdue. I’m sorry, dear blog, for abandoning you for so long. Won’t you forgive me? Anyways, as many know, I just got back home from a whirl-wind of a trip to Paris. Paris, France, that is. Not Paris, Texas. Though I’ve heard it’s nice there too.
Paris was a magnificent city (magnifique!) and I’m already looking forward to a second trip back. Here’s some highlights:
- Lesson: Take Dramamine on all future 10-hour + flights. (Though vomiting in the Paris airport WAS a memorable entrance)
- Spaces are teeny in Paris. Was happy I am also teeny.
- Everyone smokes in Paris. Even the youngin’s who get smoke breaks at school. Seriously?
- Food is NOT served in small portions. Whoever tells you that the French don’t eat a lot is lying. Not that this was an unwelcome surprise.
- Thus, I ate a ton of amazing cheese.
- And bread.
- And desserts. Oh. My. Goodness.
- And one little piece of escargot. Not bad. Butter and garlic can make anything tasty.
- Wine is cheaper than water. OK by me.
- The Eiffel Tower was my favorite thing. Even though I never made it to the top. A story for another time.
- I went with a tour group. Half of each day was planned out, which was amazing, especially for those of us who are directionally challenged. And can’t speak French. My group was hysterical. Seriously reality show material. A big shout-out to our guide, Kristen, who put up with our antics. I miss them all dearly.
Au revoir!