dancing for air
From before I can even remember, dance has played a significant role in my life. As a wee one, I bounced around the ballet studio and begged for a pink tutu. I studied ballet in hopes to dance with the American Ballet Theater (ABT). I bled and blistered, literally, for my art. And when my mom passed away when I was just 13, the studio became my refuge and the music and movement my sanity. Dance saved me, as I became a shell of a person. Nothing has ever been as sacred.
I was fortunate to study under some incredible teachers but my ABT heroines danced some 3,000 miles away. But, in a rare opportunity, I was one of two dancers who were invited to watch ABT take class and rehearse when the troupe toured through Seattle. And in a desperate attempt to connect with Paloma Herrera, my absolute idol, I wound up receiving a pair of her personal pointe shoes. They are framed and I’ll forever cherish that act of kindness.
Though my feet have never graced the professional stage, I was fortunate to dance at University of Oregon for 3 seasons and bring down the house at Mac Court - and the Rose Garden! My last dance was over 2 years ago and I'm getting antsy to hit the studio again. Don't you think it's time?
I'm ready to kick some ass again. Or get my ass kicked. However that goes.