Don't know about you, but it has been a whirl-wind of a week for me. I drove up to Seattle and back on Monday, and somehow the rest of the week has just flown by.
Saturday I am heading to Aurora for the day and then Sunday I'll be doing a morning hike followed guessed it...another brunch!
Somewhere in there I need to clean my old apartment, do so laundry and run errands.
What are your plans?
My favorite color is red. I have a red car, a red-themed bedroom. What can I say? : )
My travel destination of choice is the beach. Any beach, anywhere. Other than the Bahamas, I’ve only been the Oregon beaches. What are warm beaches like again?
My favorite food is french fries with a side of ranch.
My happy place is my home. I just moved to a bigger and more comfortable apartment and I am loving it.
My favorite saying is: “When one door closes, another one opens.” I won’t give specific examples, but it has rung true for me countless times.
My dirty little secret is that sometimes, when I sit down to watch just one episode of a TV show, I actually end up watching 5.
Something friends might say about me is that I am feisty. Well, they’ve said that many times in the past anyways!