welcome to the weekend
Welcome to the weekend, people. It was lovely having a short work week; something I could get used to. This weekend I'll be down in Silverton, OR for a bridal shower. Sunday I start packing for my move. AND, I get the keys to my new place tomorrow! So psyched to see my actual unit for the first time.
Cheers to another fun and warm July weekend!

My plans this summer include playing tourist. There are so many things to do, and places to see, right in my backyard that I’ve never done. I’ve got a whole list of things to explore, that my weekends are pretty much booked solid. I've also got wedding activities (not my own) and baby showers (again, not my own).
The best summer I ever had was right before senior year of high school. I spent 4 weeks traveling in Europe with other high school kids from around Oregon. It was a blast.
Summer is filled with sunshine, cute dresses, getting a tan, and exploring your surroundings without being miserably cold.
My favorite summer food is anything that can be grilled on the BBQ. Steak, kabobs, peppers, fish, hot dogs, hamburgers. Slap it on the grill, and I’ll eat it up. Nom nom.
The best way to quench a summer thirst is with lemonade. I’ve never had homemade though, and that’s on my list to try.
My summer uniform consists of summer dresses or shorts with ballet flats.
The best thing about summer is being able to be outside and do stuff, while being comfortable. In Oregon, those days are few and far between.