Where am I?

by - 12:11 PM

Where am I? That is, with my new year resolutions? We are officially 2 months into 2010 and I'm feeling pretty good with myself, but I could definitely stand to improve in one area ($).

  • Spend more time with friends. Done. Regular happy hours & weekend activities have gone extremely well. Hooray for a healthy social life.

  • Travel more. I've done a trip to Phoenix already. Paris is 8 weeks away. New Orleans was cancelled but will likely be replaced by a NYC trip to see the ladies out East.

  • Read more. I had a date night with Powell's and came back loaded with some classics. I've read 'Into the Wild', 'How Starbucks Changed my Life' and am halfway through 'Into Thin Air'. Wee.

  • Be nicer. Not sure how I've done in this area  but I personally feel I've been extremely well-mannered.

  • Save more money. No comment. But I blame resolutions 1 through 3.

  • How about your resolutions? I bet you put 'Eat Healthier' as one of yours and that flew out the window on day 2? Note that I didn't even attempt that one ; )

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