friday round-up
Happy Friday, all! I realized that I haven't done Lauren's Friday blank game in quite some time. Which is sad. It looks like she is taking a well-deserved break this week but I plan to hop back on the bandwagon next week!
Here is what I am loving about this week.
Starbuck's Refreshers
Thank goodness someone told me Starbuck's was giving these babies away today or I wouldn't have had a clue. I chose lime and it pleasently tasted like a mojito - just without the "good" stuff. Doubtful I'd purchase in the future, as I'd most likely opt for the passion tea lemonade instead. But I'm all for companies trying news things so, that's cool.
Daydreaming about Travel
Liz, of, is always posting about her travel adventures over in Europe. I melted when I saw pictures from her trip to Positano, Italy but her latest trip to Santorini may have just beat it. That HOTEL with those VIEWS - to die for. I am pocketing this for a future trip with a significant other. Looks like it would be a great honeymoon spot too! I'm as single as can be and this really seems like something worthy of saving for more of a romantic occassion. So I'll just continue dreaming {and drooling} in the meantime. Go on over. Forget about me, whydontchya?
Nordstrom Anniversary PreSale
I also love how the Nordy's marketing team created a "Shopping Excuse Generator." Given the actual sale starts on a Friday, I think this is mighty brilliant.
Cheese Popcorn